Rappel: Program for the 2020 Global Bergsonism Research Project Webinar November 6-7, and 13

Note 1: Participation in the Webinar is by invitation only. In order to receive the invitation for the Webinar, please email Leonard Lawlor, lul19@psu.edu, or Ted Bergsma, tzb5226@psu.edu.

Note 2: All times below are Eastern Standard Time (EST) for the USA and Canada.

Friday, November 6

Welcome comments 8:45 am

Session 1



Moderator: Leonard Lawlor, Penn State University, USA

“History of life and vital dilemmas : a global and Bergsonian discussion between Dipesh Chakrabarty, University of Chicago and Frédéric Worms, École Normale Supérieure, Rue d’Ulm, France”

Session 2

Encounters with Bergson: Evaluations and Analysis


Moderator: Nicolas de Warren, Penn State University

Joël Dolbault, Independent Scholar, France – “Pan-psychism in Bergson and James”

Mohit Abrol, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India – “Bergson-Eliot Encounters: Philosophical Notes on Time, Theology and Culture”

Session 3

Sympathy, Ethics and Aesthetics: Bergsonian Approaches in Dialogue


Moderator: Débora Morato Pinto, Universidad Federal de São Carlos, Brazil

Melanie White, University of New South Wales, Australia – “Bergson and Sympathy”

Miguel Paley, The New School for Social Research, USA – “Utility, Affect, and Self-Constitution: A Bergsonian Reading of Levinas and Whitehead”


Saturday, November 7

Session 1

Creative Evolution: Philosophical and Biological Perspectives


Moderator: Yasushi Hirai, Fukuoka University, Japan

Tano Posteraro, Penn State University, USA – “Canalization and Creative Evolution: Images of Life from Bergson to Whitehead and Beyond”

Emily Herring, University of Ghent, Belgium – “Bergson’s Creative Evolution and 20th Century Biology”

Session 2

Bergson and the Political: Liberalism and Colonialism


Moderator: Émile Kenmogne, Yaounde University, Cameroon

Alexandre Lefebvre, University of Sydney, Australia – “Bergson and Liberalism”

Larry S. McGrath, Independent Scholar, USA – “Bergson’s Views on Colonialism: Education and Empire in North Africa after the French Third Republic”


Friday, November 13

Session 1

Bergson and Anglo-American Evolutionary Theories


Moderator: Povilas Aleksandravicius, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Bruno Rates, University of São Paulo, Brazil – “Creative Evolution and American Evolutionary Thought: The influence of Edward Drinker Cope, James Mark Baldwin and Nathaniel Southgate Shaler on Bergson’s Views of Life and Technology”

Mathilde Tahar-Malaussena, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France – “The History of the Bergsonian Interpretation of Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution”

Session 2

Bergson and Critical Philosophy of Race


Moderator: Alia Al-Saji, McGill University, Canada

Leah Kaplan, Emory University, USA – “Black Time and the Suspension of Duration”

Rebecca Hill, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia – “Reading Bergson beyond the Figure of Man with Wynter and Indigenous Philosophy

Session 3



Moderator: Caterina Zanfi, Centre national de la recherche scientifique/École Normale Supérieure, Rue d’Ulm, France

Suzanne Guerlac, University of California, Berkeley, USA – “Thinking with Bergson: Decolonizing What it is to Know and Rethinking the Planetary”


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Emily Herring (25 octobre 2020). Rappel: Program for the 2020 Global Bergsonism Research Project Webinar November 6-7, and 13. Société des amis de Bergson. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/lx52

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