L’atelier de lecture bergsonien est un groupe de lecture à destination de chercheur·se·s intéressé·e·s par la philosophie d’Henri Bergson. Une fois par mois, cet atelier propose une exploration approfondie d’un extrait d’une oeuvre du philosophe ou de ses commentateurs. L’atelier favorisera l’échange au sein d’un espace consacré à la discussion collective pour enrichir la compréhension de ces idées et les relier aux enjeux contemporains. Ce groupe de lecture s’adresse à tou·te·s, et notamment aux doctorant·e·s et jeunes chercheur·se·s, afin de privilégier un dialogue ouvert et interactif.
Welcome words :Prof. Inga Žalėnienė, Rector of Mykolas Romeris University, VilniusPovilas Aleksandravičius, professor of Mykolas Romeris University, VilniusCaterina Zanfi, CNRS, ENS Paris, President of The Society of Friends of Bergson
Margus Ott, Université de Tallinn : Durée : topologie du temps
Moderator: Povilas Aleksandravičius, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius
Emile Kenmogne, Université de Yaoundé 1 – Université de Dschang: L’idée bergsonienne de « La philosophie […] en collaboration » comme ouverture au dialogue et exigence de réforme.Servanne Jollivet, CNRS – ENS Paris : La réception de Bergson en Grèce pendant l’entre-deux-guerres
Moderator : Alessandra Campo, University of Urbino
Clara Zimmermann, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne – Institut Catholique de Paris : The Creation of the Real: On the Analogy Between Art and Nature in Kant and BergsonTobias Endres, ENS Paris – TU Braunschweig : Le bergsonisme en dialogue avec le néo-kantisme
Moderator: Débora Morato Pinto, Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo
Friday 17th January – Vendredi 17 janvier
Jakub Čapek, Charles University, Prague : Bergson and the phenomenology
Moderator: Mark Sinclair, Queen’s University Belfast
Ming Hon Chu, University Paris Nanterre: Bergsonism in Edith Stein’s PhenomenologyRiccardo Valenti, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice – Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne : When “physics became Bergsonian”. Merleau-Ponty Reader of Bergson
Moderator : Matyáš Moravec, Queen’s University Belfast
Andreas Berghaus, ENS – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne: Russell Versus Bergson? – Reconstructing Dialogue Between Bergsonism and Analytic PhilosophySpartaco Pupo, University of Calabria: Bergsonism and Politics: the Skeptical Critique of Russell and Shklar
Moderator: Joel Dolbeault, Université Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3
Thursday 23rd January – Jeudi 23 janvier
Keith Ansell-Pearson, Warwick University: Terrified Idealism: Santayana’s Dialogue with Bergson (and with some remarks on Aldous Huxley)
Moderator: Audronė Žukauskaitė, Lithuanian culture research institute
Boumaza Doudja, Université de Grenoble – Université de Keio : Fonction(s) de la mémoire épisodique : perspective analytico-bergsonienneEllen Emilie Henriksen, ENS Paris – PSL : On the temporal governance of chance: creative futures and machine intelligence.
Moderator: Yasushi Hirai, Keio University
Arnaud Bouaniche, Université de Lille: Penser la naissance avec Bergson aujourd’huiClémence Guillermain, Université de Nantes University: Relire L’Évolution créatrice pour mieux comprendre le vieillissement biologique
Moderator: Mathilde Tahar, University College London
Friday 24th January – Vendredi 24 janvier
Jean-Baptiste Juillard, Paris Sorbonne: Bergson et l’athéisme naturaliste contemporain : un dialogue critiqueAurélien Gallèpe, Université de Genève – Université de Lyon: Peut-on vraiment saisir la nature propre de la religion ? Contre le réductionnisme théologique et contre le réductionnisme positiviste, le plaidoyer bergsonien pour une approche antiréductionniste de la religion
Moderator: Ciprian Jeler, University Al. I. Cuza de Iași
Jo Kasagi, Université de Konan: Intuition et logique : autour des méthodologies chez Bergson et TardeMarinê Pereira, Université fédérale de l’ABC, São Paulo: Bergson, sociologue malgré lui?
Moderator : Arnaud Francois, University of Poitiers
Paola Marrati; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: L’importance éthique et politique de la perception et du temps dans la pensée de Bergson
Moderator: Sait Ozervarli, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul
Les études africaines et africana sur Bergson ont guidé et enrichi depuis longtemps la réflexion sur les questions morales, humaines, religieuses, postcoloniales, épistémologiques, etc., à partir des travaux respectifs de Léopold S. Senghor, Ebénézer Njoh Mouelle, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Nadia Yala Kisukidi, Emile Kenmogne, etc., et ont développé des traditions d’études et d’écoles au Sénégal, au Cameroun, en Côte d’Ivoire, en République Démocratique du Congo, entre autres. Ces traditions nous offrent aujourd’hui des outils et des références précieux pour refléchir aux thèmes qui seront au cœur de notre rencontre, à partir d’une conscience profonde des itinéraires du bergsonisme en Afrique.
Mélanie Weill (chercheuse indépendante) : Life and education: the influence of bergsonism on Montessori pedagogy
In the aftermath of the First World War, a great movement aiming to reform education took place in Europe, called “new” or “alternative” or “active” education. The new educators questioned the authoritarian way teachers related to their students in the 19th century, defended children’s rights, and renewed the notions of what it is to learn and to teach. Reading the works of medical doctor and pedagogue Maria Montessori, I noticed the repeated presence of bergsonian vocabulary. In the introduction of The formation of man (1949), an overview of her life’s work, the major figure of New Education places Bergson’s most famous concept at the heart of her pedagogy, stating that “Our first teacher will be (…) theélan vital”. In this talk I will defend the idea that a lot of aspects of New Education can be seen as practical applications of Bergson’s philosophy.
Liselott-Mariett Olsson (Associate Professor in Pedagogy, Malmö University) : Becoming Pedagogue: Bergson and the Aesthetics of Early Childhood Education and Care
Throughout the history of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), aesthetics has played a prominent role, and it has been practically and theoretically treated as concerning the relation between matter and mind in a non-dualistic and integrated way. However, in the contemporary educational situation the aesthetic dimension is neglected, and the components of the relation are no longer “held together” (Olsson 2023). A certain kind of “abstract formalism” (Løvlie 2007), expressed not the least in ever-growing “neuromania” (Vandenbroeck et al. 2017) and “standards and accountability movements” (Taubman 2009) in ECEC, has taken over the discourse on education, obliterating the aesthetic dimension and relation as well as pedagogical practices and theories connected to these.
To address this, some decisive parts of Bergson’s major work Matter and Memory (1896/1991) are of value and use, not the least the critique of epiphenomenalism and parallelism in neuroscientific explanations of the human mind, as well as the critical and creative account of the relation between matter and mind herein displayed. Bergson approaches the problem by showing how the dualism between mind and matter becomes settled when space is allowed to intervene and through perception produce a distance and a division between mind and matter – between “our mind” and “our body” (including our material brain) as well as between “our mind” and “things”. This spatialized vision is due to how perception is directed towards action that pragmatically and reductively deforms matter. This, however, is not the only or even the true nature of matter and the quest that Bergson begins with this book concerns therefore to restore to matter (including our own body and its brain) its “ultimate reality”[1] (Worms 2013:112, my translation). The main thesis is double: “the critique of space is extended to the perception of matter, leading to a metaphysics of duration, that in turn is extended to the reality of matter[2] (Worms 2013a:113, my translation).
In this presentation I will further explore this thesis and its potential synergies with the aesthetics of ECEC by proceeding through three movements: 1) critically identifying abstract formalism as a badly stated problem in ECEC, 2) making an inventory of some pedagogical-aesthetical practices and theories in ECEC, and 3) suggesting some creative and contemporary contributions for how to practically and theoretically re-activate aesthetics in ECEC.
Bergson, H. (1896/1991) Matter and Memory. New York: Zone Books.
Olsson, L. M. (2023) Becoming Pedagogue – Bergson and the Aesthetics, Ethics and Politics of Early Childhood Education and Care. London & New York: Routledge.
Taubman, P. M. (2009). Teaching by numbers: Deconstructing the discourse of standards and accountability in education. New York: Routledge.
Vandenbroeck. M., DeVos J., Fias, W., Olsson, L. M., Penn, H., Wastell, D., and White, S. (2017) Constructions of neuroscience in early childhood education. London: Routledge.
Worms, F. (2013 2e éd.) Bergson ou les deux sens de la vie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
[2] la critique de l’espace, étendue à la perception de la matière, conduit à une métaphysique de la durée, elle-même étendue à la réalité de la matière
Chair : Maria Adriana Camargo Cappello (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
Colloque international: Le clos et l’ouvert. Bergson, l’Afrique et le monde contemporain (Université de Yaoundé 1 et Zoom)
11-12 et 18-19 Janvier 2024
Il est proposé, pour la rencontre de 2023 sur le bergsonisme dans l’histoire globale de la philosophie, piloté par l’Afrique à partir du Cameroun, de tenter d’utiliser une grille conceptuelle bergsonienne d’interprétation de l’évolution des affaires humaines centrée sur les concepts de « société ouverte » et de « société close ». La mondialisation, non pas comme ouverture, mais paradoxalement comme avènement d’un « village planétaire » d’une part et, d’autre part, l’apparition de nouvelles formes de revendications identitaires se fondant sur les principes de liberté, de respect des droits des êtres humains, tout autant que sur les grandes avancées dans la recherche scientifique et technologique, peuvent-elles être interprétées et comprises par référence en particulier aux concepts bergsoniens de « société ouverte » et de « société close », sans oublier celui d’un évolutionnisme par création d’imprévisibles nouveautés ?
The CNRS International Research Network A Chapter in a Global History of Philosophy. New Perspectives on Bergsonism, is producing a new and up-to-date bibliography of studies on Bergson, completely open access on Zotero.
The bibliography responds to the global history vocation of the research project and is divided according to a geographical criterion. The coordinators of the project, Alessandro Taverniti (University of Pavia) and Caterina Zanfi (CNRS/ENS), are seeking contributors from or with expertise in philosophy of the following areas: Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, India, Israel, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam.
While the current team has a majority of early-career contributors (master’s students, Ph.D. students, young researchers), we are nevertheless open to collaborating with researchers at all levels.
Those interested can contact me directly at the following email address: alessandro.tavern@edu.unito.it
Based on the pioneering work of Bento Prado Júnior and Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, Bergsonian studies have developed significantly in Brazil over the last 20 years. This includes a thematic diversity that allows a rich dialogue with other scholars around the world. Our participation in the CNRS International Research Network “A Chapter in a Global History of Philosophy : New Perspectives on Bergsonism” intends to expand this exchange even further and, thus, the research horizon around Bergson’s philosophy. The openness of his thought, related to the fundamental idea of the continuous transformation of time, leads us to strengthen our ties while looking forward to new interlocutors, especially from Latin America, beyond the consolidated connection with France.
This Webinar will be an occasion to discuss the potentialities of Bergon’s work, explored in an original way through the diversity of schools and academic backgrounds of all continents. We hope to encourage and foster discussions in a concrete practice of “ouverture” – mental, cultural and social – renewing questions and problematizations.
The project to establish a new bibliography on the thought of Henri Bergson is part of the broader international research project on “Global Bergsonism”.
The second edition of the most recent complete Bergsonian bibliography, edited by Pete A. Y. Gunter, dates from 1986. It is urgent that a new bibliography be made available to researchers, updated in two directions: firstly to integrate certain linguistic and cultural areas that are only partially represented by Gunter’s bibliography; and also to present the last 36 years of research, which have been among the most productive for Bergsonian researchers around the world, as well as for the edition of Bergson’s manuscripts, correspondence and courses. The new Bergson Bibliography will be the most comprehensive and accessible directory of Bergson studies. It will be a widely distributed, multilingual bibliography, based on the open source software Zotero, available online without a license.
From 2020 to 2021, the project was coordinated by Matyas Moravec, who achieved extraordinary results in bringing the bibliography to more than 1700 entries and to whom we extend our warmest thanks, as well as to all other contributors.
As of the end of 2021, the project will be coordinated by Alessandro Taverniti (Università degli studi di Torino) and Caterina Zanfi (CNRS/Ens).
This collective project is crowdsourced. Every contribution is important. If you wish to participate in this project and share your bibliography on Bergson studies, you are warmly welcome in our coordination meeting on February 15, 2022 at 12:00 Paris time, via Zoom.
For Zotero beginners: a basic knowledge of this tool is required. Thank you for registering to Zotero downloading it before the meeting, as shown in these short tutorials.
If you are interested in participating, thank you for sending a registration message to Alessandro Taverniti before the meeting.
L’Assemblée Générale de la Société des amis de Bergson se tiendra le samedi 23 octobre 2020 de 14 heures à 15 heures 30 CEST (heure de Paris), en ligne. Les membres de la SAB auront accès au lien de la réunion via la newsletter Bergson News. Vous pouvez adhérer ici.
Ordre du jour:
1. Rapport moral – Rapport des activités de l’année 2020/2021
– Publications : nouvelle revue Bergsoniana, recensions, bibliographie et autres outils en ligne (site) – Global Bergsonism : état d’avancement du projet ; colloque en ligne de Fukuoka ; Atelier Bergson à partir de janvier
2. Rapport financier – Cotisation en ligne via HelloAsso – Entrées et dépenses
3. Communication (carnet, facebook, twitter, newsletter)
4. Bibliographie Zotero et autres outils
5. Prochaines activités – Webinaire sru Bergson en Asie de l’Est, Université de Fukuoka (en ligne) : 12, 18 et 19 novembre 2021 – Calendrier du projet Global Bergsonism – Prochains numéros de Bergsoniana
Dans le cadre de du projet IRN du CNRS sur le Bergsonisme dans l’histoire globale de la philosophie, un séminaire Zoom organisé par Mathilde Tahar et Caterina Zanfi consacré aux recherches bergsoniennes internationales les plus actuelles aura lieu sur Zoom à partir de Janvier 2022.
On the 29th and 30th of July, PBJ(Project Bergson in Japan) and Barry Dainton hosted an online workshop ‘Time, Freedom, and Creativity: Bergsonian Perspectives’.
Barry Dainton is a leading analytical philosopher in the field of temporal experience and has been playing a central role in PBJ events since 2015. In his presentation “Unity and Irreducibility” Dainton undertook a sharp conceptual investigation into the connection between the holistic, inter-mirroring character of the Bergsonian multiplicity and the ‘co-consciousness’ approach to synchronic and diachronic phenomenal unity.
Yasushi Hirai connected Bergson’s understanding of causality with the modern ‘manipulationist’ view (von Wright and others), pointing out the former’s emphasis on the ‘lived and felt’ aspect of the sense of agency as an essential difference from the latter. Referring to Godfrey-Smith’s action-shaping view, he proposed a micro-macro level distinction in Bergson’s account of the emergence of phenomenal consciousness.