Archives de catégorie : Recensions

Publication: Ensaio Sobre Os Dados Imediatos Da Consciência, Traduction par Maria Adriana Camargo Cappello, préface de Débora Cristina Morato Pinto

Débora Cristina Morato Pinto, Departamento de Filosofia – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Paulo, Brésil.

Maria Adriana Camargo Cappello, Departamento de Filosofia – Universidade Federal do Paraná, Paraná, Brésil

Nous sommes heureuses de vous présenter la première édition critique d’un livre de Bergson préparée et publiée au Brésil. C’est également la première traduction brésilienne de L’Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience, l’ouvrage inaugural du philosophe dont les réflexions ont trouvé un écho tout au long du XXe siècle. Ses analyses sur la durée, l’intensité et la liberté sont continuellement redimensionnées par des discussions contemporaines autour de la psychologie et de la psychanalyse, des neurosciences, de la biologie et de la physique, de l’éthique et de la politique. La traduction commentée dans les notes explicatives vise donc à ouvrir la voie à une lecture attentive et croisée des questions pertinentes.

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Book Review: Penser l’évolution Nietzsche, Bergson, Dewey (Thinking Evolution. Nietzsche, Bergson, Dewey), Antoine Daratos and Paul Walter (eds), 2020

Bruno Rates, University of São Paulo-USP, Brazil / Société des Amis de Bergson

Penser l’Évolution. Nietzsche, Bergson, Dewey (Thinking Evolution. Nietzsche, Bergson, Dewey), released in December 2019 by the prestigious publisher Vrin, is one of the latest contributions in French about the impact of evolutionism on philosophy. In addition to the extensive bibliography on the subject, the book, coordinated by Antoine Daratos and Paul Walter (both from Université Libre de Bruxelles), consists of nine articles and is divided into three sections, each dedicated to the thinkers present in the title. A short introduction is also offered to the readers, operating as a guide that aims, in addition to presenting the chapters, to demonstrate the novelty and pertinence in putting together names as distinct as Nietzsche, Bergson and Dewey vis-à-vis the multiple issues raised by evolutionism. According to Daratos and Walter, “the three authors, far from limiting themselves with importing the results of biology to philosophy, consider the question of evolution as a major strategic challenge for philosophy, as a trampoline that allows them to rethink both the object of philosophy as well as its concepts and methods” (p.9). It is from this thesis that we move to a bigger problem, since, from a broader point of view, the book intends to participate in the debate about the relation between philosophy and science, that, at the passage from the 19th to the 20th century, oscillates more or less between two poles (and what follows is on my behalf): philosophy as a rational justification or appendix of science (from philosophia ancilla theologiae to philosophia ancilla scientiae), or as an irreducible domain (whether ontological, metaphysical, logical, axiological, “experienced/lived”, etc.) immune to the discoveries that come from positive data. Recognizing the essential condition of the hypothesis of the evolution of life, Nietzsche, Bergson and Dewey, each in their own way, overcame such an oscillation by showing that it is “possible for philosophy to fully consider the results of the positive sciences while preserving its independence and speculative character” (p. 9). In this review, I will first describe the nine articles of the book and then concentrate on an overall critical analysis. It goes without saying that, despite my critiques, the book represents an important contribution to the topic it aims to explore.

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Book Review: Bergson’dan Mustafa Şekip’e Gülme (Laughing from Bergson to Mustafa Şekip), Aktif Düşünce Yayınları, 2015

Gözde Han, Yıldız Technical University

Laughing from Bergson to Mustafa Şekip is a book which mainly analyses Mustafa Şekip Tunç’s adaptation and translation of Henry Bergson’s Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (Le Rire; essai sur la signification du comique). The authors of the book, Levent Bayraktar and Zeynep Tek, centre their arguments around the translation and adaptation of Bergson’s book by Mustafa Şekip. They analyse the era, the period and the meaning of laughter by integrating articles from Mustafa Şekip Tunç, introductions written by Mehmet Emin Erişirgil and Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar, to Tunç’s “What is Laughing? At Whom are We Laughing?” Bayraktar and Tek mainly clarify the place of Bergsonian thought within the act of laughing in parallel with Mustafa Şekip Tunç’s translation/ adaptation of Bergson’s “Le rire”. Continuer la lecture

Book Review: Interpreting Bergson : Critical Essays, Alexandre Lefebvre et Nils F. Schott (eds.), 2019

Mathilde Tahar, Université Toulouse II, Jean Jaurès

Depuis vingt ans, on observe un regain des études bergsoniennes, venant d’une part de la publication de l’édition critique, d’autre part de l’apparition de nouvelles approches interprétatives, notamment dans le monde anglo-saxon. Ces nouvelles approches partent pour la plupart de l’idée de durée comme efficace du passé dans le présent et émergence de nouveauté, idée proprement bergsonienne, pour en analyser les conséquences dans différents domaines philosophiques. Dans Interpreting Bergson : Critical essays, les éditeurs Alexandre Lefebvre et Nils F. Schott, en rassemblant les analyses critiques de différents auteurs sur des aspects très hétérogènes de la philosophie bergsonienne visent à donner un aperçu de ces nouvelles recherches et, par là aussi, une vue d’ensemble de l’œuvre de Bergson. 

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Book Review: Mark Sinclair, Bergson, 2019

Miguel Paley, New School for Social Research, New York City

After a long period of relative obscurity, Bergson’s thought and philosophy have once again piqued the interest of the academic community. The current ‘boom’ in Bergson studies has been particularly dramatic in the English-speaking world, where a number of works treating varied aspects of Bergson’s thought have recently been published. In the past few years alone, we’ve seen the publication of Keith Ansell Pearson’s Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition, a translation of Jankelevich’s classic Henri Bergson, Jimena Canales’ study of Bergson’s engagement with Einstein: The Physicist and the Philosopher, as well various collected volumes such as Beyond Bergson (ed by Andrea Pitts and Mark W. Westmoreland) which treats the relations between Bergson’s thought, colonialism, and race. The most recent contribution to this Bergsonian renaissance is Mark Sinclair’s Bergson.

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Book review: Dinçer Yıldız, Henri Bergson’un Felsefesi, Istanbul, 2006

Yusuf Çeribaş, Yıldız Technical University

Dinçer Yıldız, the author of The Philosophy of Henri Bergson, was born in Istanbul in 1937. He got his bachelor’s degree in Turkish Studies and developed a keen interest in philosophy and fine arts. He was educated in pedagogy in Germany and worked there in an educational institution to teach kids with special needs. He did not only enjoy a career as a pedagogy expert in Germany but also gave lectures on Heraclitus, Bruno, Goethe, Rudolf Steiner, Nietzsche and Bergson once a week in an institute for about ten years. Yıldız resettled in Turkey in 1999 and published articles in newspapers on music and philosophy in addition to publishing several books on those themes.

Image result for Dinçer Yıldız, Henri Bergson’un Felsefesi

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Book review: Şerif Eskin, Zaman ve Hafızanın Kıyısında: Tanpınar’ın Edebiyat, Estetik ve Düşünce Dünyasında Bergson Felsefesi, Istanbul, 2014

Adem Dal, Yildiz Technical University

         We are the children of a world Freud and Bergson share together.

Image result for ahmet hamdi tanpınar

The intricate relationship of fields like philosophy and literature is open to a broad array of interpretations and analyses. One such enterprise is Şerif Eskin’s book,[1] Zaman ve Hafızanın Kıyısında: Tanpınar’ın Edebiyat, Estetik ve Düşünce Dünyasında Bergson Felsefesi (On the Edge of Time and Memory: The Philosophy of Bergson in Tanpınar’s World of Literature, Aesthetic and Thought).[2] The book is largely based on Eskin’s MA thesis.[3]

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